In Ancestral Flavors, chef Carlos Estévez and photographer Víctor Siladi answer that question with a thorough roundup that ranges from the gifts of our soil used by our aboriginals to contemporary street food, and includes the many migratory waves that left their imprint on our tables. Some of the most celebrated Dominican chefs —and many who were adopted by our country— used this roundup to give their own twist to all things ancestral, and created surprising recipes that showcase the potential in our flavors. Our local cuisine is in the middle of a breakthrough moment, and books such as this one shine a light on our collective pride for the abilities and the creativity of our chefs, as well as the generous, welcoming tolerance of our everyday dishes.
Photographer, art director and designer
Chef and head editor
Writer and copy editor
Producer, writer and copy editor
Editorial designer
Digital photo editing
Production assistant
Production assistant
Production assistant
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Roble Corporate Center
86 Rafael Augusto Sánchez street,
Ensanche Piantini
Santo Domingo, DN
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